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New Life Foundation | Naked - A Poem

A poem by New Life transpersonal counsellor and life coach, Samina, which makes u.s. all feel just a little less solitary.

ducksAll of us are naked, all of us have been brought to the floor,
Hurting, fear, grief and rage have left their indelible mark on our tattered bodies on our grief-stricken hearts.
And nevertheless,
we think we're solitary,
nosotros're the shamed one, the blamed one, the one who couldn't cope
who couldn't get it together and figure it out…
then we cower under our self judgement,
badly hiding our pitiful lack
We comprehend information technology over and pretend to be ok,
To exist like anybody else – the "sorted ones"
Constantly carrying the weight of our deceptions,
Forever fearful of being constitute out, of being exposed for the fraud that nosotros are.
And even so,
Just imagine the sheer delight, the relief, the mutual celebration
if one brave soul could stand up upwardly and declare:
"Look at me- I'chiliad naked, I'm homo, I've fucked upwardly;
I'm often in hurting. I'thousand lonely, I'chiliad needy.
I seek your approving and despise myself for it, I oftentimes despise you lot too…
And yet,
The bluish sky and the total moon can smash my cynicism into thousands of pieces of awe and wonder.
A kind word or a gentle touch can transform my rage into tears of sadness.
I am all of these things and more and possibly you are too?
How about we throw away the pretense of being perfect, of being untroubled into the bonfire of truth
And past the lite of the flames, nosotros can know that we're not lonely,
that at that place is nada nosotros need to hide, nothing to exist embarrassed about
because as we expect around we can see that everyone else is naked too.

–Samina Khan
